Author: admin

How to Check on a Grieving Loved One

How to Check on Someone Who’s Grieving We all know emotions are running high after a loved one has passed away. Sometimes though you may not be directly affected by the death of a loved one, you can be close to who it does affect and not want to be a burden. Chances are, the […]

Honoring a Loved One With Memorial Gifts

Honoring a Loved One With Memorial Gifts No matter the situation, it’s impossible to prepare for the loss of a loved one. The creation of a gift to remember them by or commemorate their life can help everyone affected by the loss cope a little better with the grief. Homemade or professionally done, these gifts […]

Spring Funeral Etiquette Tips You Should Know

Spring Funeral Etiquette Tips You Should Know Ben Franklin once said, “Death, along with taxes, is the only certain thing in life.” In life, death and funerals are inevitable and knowing how to act before and during a funeral as well as thinking about what you say before you say it are all vital tips […]

What To Write In a Eulogy

What To Write In a Eulogy When a loved one passes away, this can be an extremely difficult time for each person involved. They say that the funeral of a loved one, whether they are to be buried or cremated, is one of the most important elements of the service as it helps the family […]

Understanding The 5 Stages of Grief

Understanding The 5 Stages of Grief Mourning is a completely normal yet unique experience everyone will encounter during some portion of their life. Grief is a large emotion to encompass, so experts have broken it down to 5 different stages an individual will experience as the emotion is initially felt and continues to occur. These […]

Explaining Death To a Child

Explaining Death To a Child Death is inevitable and often the passing of a loved one will affect every individual differently. As you’ve grown into adulthood, you’ve probably learned to make peace through understanding the circle of life which entails death. The passing of a loved one can be an extremely hard concept to grasp […]

Why You Need a Will

Why You Need a Will A will is a basic legal governing document that establishes who will receive your owned belongings when you die.  Essentially, your will will include specific directions regarding the distribution of your estate and tangible property. Without creation of a will, the state you reside in at the time of your […]

Dealing With Grief Through The Holidays

Dealing With Grief Through The Holidays The holidays are typically a stressful time no matter what your celebration may look like. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is extremely difficult and when time seems to pass too fast without them, honoring yourself and your emotions to get through the difficult times is necessary, […]

How To Honor The 20th Anniversary of 9/11 in Your Community

This year is the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that killed more than 2,000 people and injured more than 6,000. That day, though traumatic and heartbreaking, brought many Americans together and many would say it was the most patriotic they’ve seen The United States in the days following. To this day, many people […]

How Long Can You Wait to Cremate?

Funerals are difficult to plan, and most people think that they need to happen within days after the person has passed. Don’t you wish you could just take some time to figure things out before rushing into it all? Especially when the death of the person was unexpected, it can be overwhelming to rush into […]

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