Your First Thanksgiving Without a Loved One

Losing a loved one is a major struggle that everyone has to go through in life. It’s painful and difficult, especially if a holiday approaches as you overcome your grief. If you recently lost a loved one before this Thanksgiving season, we have some points you should remember to help you during an extremely difficult time in your life.

Spend It With Others

Many people make the mistake of isolating themselves on holidays when they lose someone close to them, but you shouldn’t do this. If you don’t have current plans, you can always get in contact with friends and family that live near you. If you don’t live close to any friends or family, you can always ask people to have a video chat with you on Thanksgiving. This way, you can at least interact with others and lower your worries during this season. Know that this year will be different, it may be painful and difficult at moments, but spending the holiday season with others allows you to create new, special monuments that will help you remain thankful for all you have.

Be Grateful for Your Memories

Thanksgiving is the time of year where people focus on having fun, eating and showing their gratitude for what they have. This may seem strange, but you could focus on being grateful for the great memories you have with that special person. You can invite other people that knew the person who passed away. You can all spend some time talking about those happy moments and memories with each other. You can then express your gratitude for having those memories and remember that you can call upon them during difficult moments in life.

Dedicate Something to Your Loved One

You can spend some time before or during the holiday season creating something you can dedicate to your loved one. For example, you could create a scrapbook filled with pictures of you both as a memento to your loved one’s life. You could look into creating similar things that will allow you to honor your loved one’s memory.You can also create a monument and put it in a place that would mean a lot to you. For example, you could put a monument in your backyard or in similar areas where you think it would be appropriate and reasonable. This way, you can dedicate something to your loved one in a positive way that will help you cope with his or her passing.

Final Thoughts

It’s never easy when you lose someone close to you, especially if it happens during a holiday season. Even though there may be hard times this Thanksgiving, you can overcome it.

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