
today, tomorrow and beyond.
Jason B. Rivas
For those unfamiliar with Belle Benchley, for example, it might come as a surprise to stumble across a grave marker depicting the face of a gorilla.
Known as The Zoo Lady, Benchley was the director of the San Diego Zoo from 1927 to 1953, and guided its expansion from a small collection of animals to an innovative, world-class zoo.
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today, tomorrow and beyond.
My Coleague
Elizabeth Ramirez
Elizabeth was born and raised in Victoria, Texas. She is a married mother of three, with two grown children and a sophomore at Victoria East High School. She also has two grandchildren.
For her, the most rewarding part of her job is the look on a customer’s face once they see their completed marker. That look and their tears of comfort, when they see the perfect tribute for their loved one, is the part that she loves most because in a small way she was able to help them during a very difficult time on their life.